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AVFS Scale Out HA SAN file system


is a parallel scale out HA SAN file system
for managing storage arrays

A/V FS means Audio/Video File System.
A/V FS is a from the ground up in house development and since 4 years in use in the M & E market. It comes standard with iSCSI for block IO of unstructured data and A/V FS for the metadata. A/V FS is based on key-value and b-tree databases. It has a small footprint and is fast. It comes as high availability setup pre-installed on a 1U dual HA DDPHead with Debian version 10 as operating system. The dual HA DDPHead has 2x dual 10GbE/RJ45 ports and 2x two PCIe slots for network cards. When two slots are not enough a 3U version of a DDP Head can be delivered.

Technical Screen
Technical Screen
Easy to install


On clients (servers, workstations, desktops) the AVFS client driver is installed to connect to the infrastructure (network, dual DDPHead and storage arrays). Clients communicate via the A/V FS driver with the dual DDPHead and via iSCSI, iSER, FC or NVME-oF with storage arrays (north-south).

iSCSI is easy because iSCSI comes pre-installed on Windows and Linux and iSCSI for Mac is delivered as part of A/V FS. HPC clients requiring extreme bandwidth connect to storage arrays via NVME-oF. There is also so called metadata and possible data communication between the storage arrays and dual HA DDPHead (west-east), as the figure shows:

Easy to work with


LUNS created on storage arrays are permanently mounted on clients and are accessed in parallel. Directories/folders of the A/V FS file system can be mounted as volumes. They are then called folder volumes. On storage arrays LUN’s are created. In A/V FS LUN’s are called Data Locations (DL). Each file in a folder volume has a path to a single DL. When a file is accessed A/V FS informs the client OS of the file data path for DL access. It can be any DL.

The Storage Manager page of the web interface is the page where the DL for the file data is determined.

Different files in a folder volume can have different paths for their data. When Balanced is selected this happens using round robin.

AVFS storage manager balanced - part
Speed Test


A/V FS being a SAN does not influence data transfers. The total system performance is the sum of the performance of each of the storage arrays. Per client bandwidth can be as high as 20GB/s. Performance is determined by the storage array and DL which holds the file data, the network interface and the client workstation and application. The client application determines the number of files which can be queued and or are accessed in parallel.

AVFS storage manager - part

Take a closer look at the Web Gui and the Balanced Storage Manager by clicking on the pictures here under.

The Webgui of the A/V FS interface

The A/V FS Balanced Storage Manager

Close Menu

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Snelliusweg 40-24
6827 DH Arnhem
The Netherlands.

P: + 31 26 362 2337
F: +31 26 361 2258
VAT ID: NL853509050

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