There is A/V FS hard- and software reliability, storage hardware reliability and the influence of failing storage hardware on A/V FS to consider. A/V FS comes installed as HA pair on a dual A/V FS Head.
In case of a metadata or file system issue a failover may happen when a HA solution is chosen. Such failover is transparent for clients both on reading an writing. Also there is no need for a maintenance and software update window because that can be performed while clients continue working.
A/V FS is an in-house development fully owned by Ardis Technologies.
This is a must to be able to provide proper remote support.
The A/V FS V5 version for M & E has been in use now for more then 2 years.
The reliability and the quality of spindles and SSDs and its Raid protection and the stability of the network are items to discuss separately as part of an investment.