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A/V FS comes standard delivered on the 1U dual HA DDPHead
with 2 PCIe slots per Head for network cards

A/V FS can be purchased directly by contacting
It is delivered installed on a dual AVFS Head with dual on board 10GbE/RJ45 ports and two PCIe slots. Including sliding arms and front bezel and two year hardware & software support.

By licensing A/V FS both parties engage in a trustworthy relationship.
Ardis Technologies only licenses and sells A/V FS to companies who understand and practise this kind of technology. Test Dual DDPHeads are available for evaluation.

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Ardis Technologies BV
Snelliusweg 40-24
6827 DH Arnhem
The Netherlands.

P: + 31 26 362 2337
F: +31 26 361 2258
VAT ID: NL853509050

All supplies subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale, registered at the Chamber of Commerce #59472774, Arnhem, The Netherlands