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Dual HA AVFSHead-1U


& Komponenten

File systemA/V FS SAN file system, Audio Video File System
High AvailabilityYes
Posix complianceThe essentials
Supported metadata hardwaredual DDPHead
Supported storage arraysDDP, Infortrend, Seagate, others to be tested
Supported disk typesSATA, SAS and NVME SSD’s, NL and 24/7 3,5” SAS HDs
Supported network cardsEthernet, Infiniband and Fibrechannel all speeds
Supported network protocolsData: Ethernet, FC, Infiniband, RoCE AVFS: Ethernet (TCP/IP)

Metadata/Data Protection & Support

Metadata protection: via dual AVFS Head.
Raid protection: Raid 5 and or 6 and or Erasure coding based depending on choice of storage array’s.
Software defined storage protection: depending on the storage array’s selection and HA requirement.
Synchronous Metadata replication: included.
Synchronous Data replication: optional.
Asynchronous Data replication: license fee based via Archiware P5 synchronize.
Remote support: included in 2 years warranty; after that via support contract.
Other supports methods: phone and Email. Included in 2 years warranty.
Backup, Archive and Synchronise: included via Archiware P5, licensee fee needed.


Performance per A/V FS/iSCSI/FC Linux client:> 2,5 GB/s.
Performance per A/V FS/iSCSI/FC Windows client:> 2,2 GB/s.
Performance per A/V FS/iSCSI/FC Mac client:> 2,5 GB/s.
Performance per A/V FS/NVME-oF/RDMA Linux client:20GB/s.
Performance per A/V FS/NVME-oF/RDMA Windows client:5 GB/s.
Performance per A/V FS/iSCSi Mac client:n.a.
Performance per A/V FS/NVME-oF Windows client:5GB/s.
Performance per A/V FS/NVME-oF Mac client:n.a.
Max IOPS, random R/W 4K per storage array:700000 less or more dependent on storage array.
Max Bandwidth per storage array:100 GB/s or less or more depending on storage array.
Max total performance via A/V FS:sum of performances of all storage arrays.
Max total performance via SMB:determined by dual HA DDPHead: max 6GB/s.
Bandwidth Limiting:Yes per workstation, server, client.
Multiple Connection per Session (MCS):Yes per workstation, server, client.


Capacity scaling limitation:none
Performance scaling limitation:none
Capacity scaling:Yes: online and offline
Performance scaling:Yes: online and offline
Storage array scaling:can be combined at will, may require integrated testing
File system scaling:not applicable
Max file size: 16TB:larger on request
Max number of folder volumes mounted:can be discussed
Number of files and folders per file system:more then 100 million
HA setup:Yes with dual A/V FS Head and redundant raid/erasure coding storage arrays
Heterogeneous clustering:Yes, any type including generic if not too old

Metadata & Data Management

Management:via the A/V FS web interface
Metadata High Availability:Yes, Active-Passive
Data High Availability:Yes, Active-Active or Active-Passive, depend on storage array’s
Caching:file based as part of A/V FS
Pinning:Cache mode, folder volume selectable in Storage Manager
On Demand:Cache mode, folder volume selectable in Storage Manager
Tiering:folder volume selectable in Storage Manager
Balancing:folder volume selectable in Storage Manager
Consolidating:folder volume selectable in Storage Manager
Data Locations:yes, are equivalent to raid sets or combination of raid sets
Folder volumes:yes are folder/directories with volume mount properties
Quota settings:yes, adjustable per folder volume
Data Distribution:selectable in Storage Manager
Storage Manager:in Web Ui, part of A/V FS, determines final data destinations
Task Manager:in Web Ui, part of A/V FS, determines final data destinations
Storage array management:storage arrays come with their own Web Ui
Multipath:Yes for data
API:Ask specifications

User/Group Management

Data Sharing:Yes
User access rights:Yes via web interface
Group access rights:Yes via web interface
Automount:yes: automatic mounting of volumes upon user/group logon
AD/LDAP user password authentication:Yes
ACL’s:Folder/User based
SMB access:Yes, via Dual HA DDPHead


HTTPS support: Yes.
Two factor authentication support: Yes.
In line auditing support of:

Desktop (or DDP Head’s) iqn name {
Day and start time of an AVFS/Data connection
FV name or names
user login on desktop
description what user does with which files in which folder, file path from/to time of day
day and time of end of connection.

Inline encryption: Yes, when self encrypting drives are used.
Encryption at rest: Optional
File encryption: Depending on the storage arrays chosen.
Active Directory, LDAP and Local User Authentication: Yes.
ISO270001 compliant: Yes.
MPIAA compliant: Yes.
Physical share isolation: Yes via separate workstations, cards, cables and subnets.
SSH protected file system access: Optional.
SSL encryption data transfers: Optional.


Cloud support via integrated Archiware P5.

S3 support:Yes
Azure support:Yes
S3 Support:Yes
Wasabi Support:Yes
Google support:Yes
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DDP Deutschland GmbH
Bäckerstrasse 24
14929 Treuenbrietzen

T: +49(0)3374-88 49 934
M: +49(0)162-2840198

Die DDP Deutschland GmbH ist im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Potsdam unter der Registernummer HRB 28213 P eingetragen. 
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