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1GB/s, HyPerDDP12D
Shared Storage : SSD Performance with HD Capacity

Hybrid DDP series

Modular all-in-one-box Ethernet SAN storage servers

High Availability DDPs

Ethernet SAN consisting of dual DDP Head and redundant RAID storage arrays

MicroDDP series

SSD equipped 1U Ethernet SAN shared storage solutions


Modular super fast DDP which can be filled with up to 24 SSDs and cards


Shared storage for 8K, extreme fast

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Ardis Technologies BV
Snelliusweg 40-24
6827 DH Arnhem
The Netherlands.

P: + 31 26 362 2337
F: +31 26 361 2258
VAT ID: NL853509050

All supplies subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale, registered at the Chamber of Commerce #59472774, Arnhem, The Netherlands